El Camino Ft Lauderdale | Taste of the Square
Fish Taco

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Taste of the Square

Home to a batch of new and newish restaurants, The Square plaza is the setting for a walk-about tasting event next Thursday night. Consider it one-stop shopping for dish samples from a dozen of the plaza’s restaurants and a pop-up bar on the lawn.

Participating restaurants for “Taste of the Square” include the three-month-old El Camino taquería, City Pizza, Planta vegan eatery, BurgerFi, the year-old True Food Kitchen, Angie’s Epicurean, Sweetgreen salad spot, Il Bellagio, Taquería Bonitas, Sloan’s ice cream shop, the new Salty Donut and Galley restaurant at the nearby Hilton West Palm Beach.

Source: PalmBeachPost.com
By: Liz Balmaseda

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